Last night, Jake started to feel greater amounts of pain at night and was given additional pain medicine to assist in the process. Jake has a catheter device or Bloc that has been delivering pain medication but it tends to wear off and the device will have to be removed tomorrow. The additional pain medicine did help Jake sleep during the night giving him some much needed rest. Not so much rest for Mom in the room worrying about her little boy.
In the morning Jake did seem bothered and in a soft voice would simply state that his arm was hurting him. The sickness subsided and Jake gained more of an appetite even urging us to order from the hospital menu. Lucky Charms was the cereal he desired and it was a pleasure to watch him eat it along with a banana. We saw the Dr.'s again and Jake was pronounced ready to discharge. We assumed sometime around noon but by 9 Jake was smiling and proclaiming his desire to go home. Who were we to argue and we made the immediate plans to discharge and leave the hospital. We always look for the return of the smile as the post-surgery sign that our little boy is back and he delivered on the promise. Jake seemed in great spirits with help of his pain medicine and he was thrilled to be back at home. The hardest part with tending to Jake is making him aware not to move without what looks like a fanny pack which contains the Bloc device. Jake seemed very happy for most of the day playing with some of his toys and even commented, No homework!
Dealing with his post-op care, we recognized how staying home in California made it so much easier versus dealing with a long flight home from Boston. Jake showed off his baby blue cast to his siblings when they got home from school and soon it seemed like the household was back to normal chaos. By early evening, Jake started to show signs of discomfort and by 7pm Jake was yelling about pain. Too soon to take his medication we did what we could to calm him down and got the approval from the Dr. to utilize Ibuprofen in staggered doses. Now Jake is sleeping on our bed where we will keep him for the night to administer his medication throughout the night as well as be close to deal with anything that might arise. We are running on little sleep so we too hope to join Jake in what we hope is a deep slumber. Thank you to everyone for their kind thoughts and words, we certainly appreciate the support.
Home Sweet Home! |