Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tubes II

Jake came through a little cranky but all for the better. Dr. Newman after performing the procedure informed us that there was a lot of fluid in his ears and that it was very good that we did this now for Jake. We are happy that this hopefully will put an end to the nonstop ear infections and constant need for antibiotics. Jake although initially upset right after waking up seemed quite pleased once we were leaving. It was as if he thought wait we don't have to stay a week like those other times, ok great! He immediately stopped crying and was happy to head home. Let's all hope this works for Jake and it looks like smooth sailing on the procedure front. Jake is doing very well and each day he picks up more and more words and gains a tooth or two.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Well it's time to end the ear infections....Jake goes in tomorrow morning to put tubes in his ears to prevent the massive amount of ear infections he already has and to proactively prevent any damage to his ears or hearing. It is very common procedure that a lot of kids have and we are happy to go through with it to alleviate the ear infections.....We start bright and early tomorrow with a a 6am report time to the surgical center. Kind of scary that after everything we have been through, this small outpatient procedure doesn't seem like a major deal. Jake still has to be put under but he has been through so much worse that this seems minor in comparison. Of course we'll be only happy again once we are holding jake post-op. Think good thoughts for Jake.