Monday, December 17, 2007

Big Week for Jake

A lot of attention to Jake this week. Tomorrow Jake has a Cat-Scan to ensure that he does not have hydrocephalus. This would mean excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain. The test and meeting with his neurosurgeon is precautionary but the condition is known to happen in Apert kids and Jake's lack of sleep could point to this as a cause. We obviously hope not but look forward to getting a confirmation that he's ok tomorrow.

Then Thursday Jake gets his casts off and will see his new fingers for the first time. We are excited for him albeit there will be much healing left to happen. It is the first step and soon Jake will be sucking his fingers like his brother.

We will update you soon but please think good thoughts for us!
L & S

1 comment:

Elai said...

Lot's of good thoughts from Elai!!!We love u Jake xoxo