Friday, February 29, 2008

Big Day

Well today we had an evaluation at the hospital for both boys in regard to development something that is required for all babies that spend time in the NICU. Both boys did very well especially considering that instead of 9 months they consider them to be 8 months due to their early birth date. The best news was that Jake ranked at 10 months cognitively which we consider a huge sign so far in his development. Then his surgeon stopped by and took a look and felt Jake is healing very well and is pleased. No more follow up necessary for 5 months. Go Jake Go. The only thing stopping him now is his next hand surgery looking to be May 9th. That's the scoop and Jake continues to surprise and make us happy. A few more weeks and he can can resume the tummy time and start to crawl like Luke.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lance,

Great to read the update(s) ... and we are thrilled that there appears to be positive momentum in all areas.

Hope to catch up soon ...

Eric W.

Anonymous said...

Nona says: I'm not one bit surprised over Jake. He is so focused-intent with figuring out his toys and his surroundings and loves to mimic me with his sounds.
Great Job Jake!!!
Love & Lots of Kisses