Saturday, April 28, 2012

Discharge Day

Jake woke up on Friday and he was doing good smiling and asking to be held.  We were hoping to get of the hospital early so we could take Jake out in the fresh Boston air.  A few of the Dr.'s came by and after a standard couple hour delay we were given our prescriptions, instructions and sent on our way.  Interesting enough right when we were trying to change Jake he grew irritable and didn't want to leave.  We have noticed a subtle warning sign of the pain meds wearing off and that being a change in Jake's demeanor with slight irritability.  We were able to convince Jake that putting on his clothes meant we could actual leave the hospital for good and that seemed to do the trick.  Right before we left, Sam was stopped and had a bizarre conversation with an Amish woman was pushing her baby on the floor and stopped to greet Sam.  Sam was even invited to come for a visit but maybe next time.   Always a liberating feeling walking through the automatic doors and onto Longwood St.   We decided to take Jake to lunch and walk around Newbury Street which has a ton of shops and restaurants.  The rest of the day was pretty smooth and before long we realized it was time to head to the airport for homecoming.  Then the fun started....

We were quite the sight with Jake's giant splint on his arm and all of our baggage.  TSA had the opportunity to earn their keep as they pounced on us.  A vitamin water we forgot was in the bag, a Ginger Ale for Jake's stomach, two vials of liquid medicine.  They broke out all of these special tests to ensure that everything was safe but to their defense were very nice in doing so.  They even ran some tool over Jake's splint which of course was rendered safe.  We didn't want Jake to run through the detector as he has some new metal that we can't remove.

Our flight which was scheduled to depart at 6:35 but had been changed to 7:45 a couple weeks prior to our trip.  Then the announcement came....Our plan which had been sitting at the gate making me feel relieved was rendered a mechanical failure.   A new plane to be deployed and a new departure time of 9:40.  UGH 2 hour delay.  We were already scheduled to land late at 11pm and now looking at 1am.   Taking our exhaustive week in stride, there was nothing we could do and as long as Jake was okay we would get through this exclamation point of a tough week.   Jake was pretty happy sitting by the window watching the planes taking off and all of the different workers and baggage vehicles in operation.   It reminds you that kids are precious especially when you can watch them be entertained by simpler things out of life such as the inner workings of the airport.   Jake kept shrieking in delight watching and it was good to see him ignore his arm in exchange for watching this show.

The plane ride was pretty uneventful with all of us dipping in and out of sleep as best we could.  Finally we landed and after picking up a gate checked stroller broken by American Airlines we got our bags and headed home.      We got home last night at 2am which was insane but putting Jake down to sleep without any major issues was way more welcome than any loss of sleep we were having.  In summation, as we closed our eyes for a couple hours of sleep, we can just say we were both physically and emotionally exhaustive and hope Jake continues to be resilient and can withstand our adjustments we must make to his thumb.

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