Saturday, February 9, 2008

8 days later

Well, Jake fans a week has come and gone. Dr. Urata came to the house, talk about service, to take a look at Jake and informed us that Jake is doing well. Of course he had to make it through an extensive list of questions we had prepared for him to answer. Overall, the surgery went very well and Jake is healing and will need some time. His problem sleeping currently is expected and of course we hope with more time he will grow more comfortable. Right now the car seat in the snap n go stroller appears to be his favorite choice. I think he just likes his parents pushing him around the room at all hours of the night. I felt sad for Jake this morning as he watched in his brother jump in the jumpee toy we have and that was one of Jake's favorite. Jake isnt allowed to play in that one for awhile and I saw a little envy in his eyes watching Luke have at it. Good thing we only have a gazillion toys for him to choose from in the rest of the playroom. Today he got a nice visit from Amy and Melissa which enabled exhausted parents to take a little late morning nap. Apparently this beautiful day we are having 80 degrees led to a walk and a little nap. His granparent's Dan and Carol just arrived so Jake is very popular already today. More updates to come soon. Root for sleep and fast healing

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