Thursday, May 29, 2008

10 Fingers

Well Jake fans, it was only a year ago that I had to use every ounce of self control in the NICU to not attack the plastic surgeon who upon my meeting with him, said oh he'll have four fingers but so did Mickey Mouse. Oh and he also said it would take 10 surgeries. Instead we re-channeled our outrage and found a better dr. I guess I should be thankful to that insensitive surgeon who led us to Dr. Upton. Today 1 year later, Jake now has 10 fingers and we couldn't be happier. A visit to Children's hospital allowed for Jake to get his casts off and some splints made and we were pleasantly surprised his fingers looked much better than at this same point last time around. Little Jake went back to his favorite thing, giving us five. We also me with his craniofacial surgeon to make sure that these bumps on jake's forehead were normal and nothing we should be concerned about. He indicated that they are screws holding some pieces together that will dissolve over the course of a year. So a great day for Jake and he can go back to what he should have been doing all along just being a kid and playing. Thank you all who have helped us get through this challenging year, we look forward to some normalcy and smile knowing surgeries and hospital stays are on the shelf for a few years.
L & S


steph said...

jake looks amazing!!! so happy he is doing great!!!!! sam is was great seeing u the other day. xoxo steph

steph said...

jake looks amazing!!! so happy he is doing great!!!!! sam is was great seeing u the other day. xoxo steph