Thursday, January 14, 2010

Children's Hospital Annual

Well, thankfully our trip to the "unhappiest place on earth" is over. I truly believe this place is the antithesis of Disneyland. Seeing other families enduring difficult situations and very sick children can only weigh on the psyche as you sit and wait hour after hour to meet with the overworked underpaid dr.'s who have chosen to help children versus getting rich off being plastic surgeons.
Today went well. we met with an exhaustive number of specialists all part of the craniofacial team. Hearing, Speech, Dentistry, Genetics, Craniofacial, Pediatrics, and Development Psychology. Jake got really good reports and everyone seemed to be very encouraged by Jake and the progress he has made. They can make certain assessments now that he is older and 2.5. We are fortunate that it appears Jake does have a milder form of Apert and his progress is a long way off from the worst case scenario grim reports we got when he was first born.

Now decisions will have to be made if we want to switch to Children's versus Cedars and they both have pro's and cons. The 6 hours there today was draining but if we can keep these to just annual meetings its not so bad.

That's the quick update now but it looks to be a quiet year for Jake in terms of medical needs in 2010, something we welcome with open arms.


Unknown said...

so glad to hear jakey is doing well :)

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