Sunday, May 20, 2012

Surgery #9

Well here we go again, Wednesday will bring Jake's fourth hand surgery and 9th overall.  It has been an up and down month dealing with Jake's aftercare.  Despite it all, the one thing we can say is Jake was entertaining his visitors today.  His buba visited and brought him a special gift, a stuffed animal that has a cast on his right arm and Jake has named it Joey after Dr. Upton.  Then he was in rare form dancing and singing for his Amy and Melissa.  It has helped that we were able to stop turning his distractor on Wednesday but the cleaning of his hand and the antibiotics 4 x a day always offered opportunity for agitation.  Looking at Jake's left hand, we can already see how straight and long his right thumb is in comparison and we look forward to this final step in fixing his dominant hand.  This surgery should be a little more intense than last month due to the bone graft which requires a piece of bone from his hip.  Afterwards, the positive note will be that his hand will be secured in a cast so we can bid farewell to the distractor that has to be turned and worry less about the risk of banging his hand in an open splint.   (well farewell till the fall when we repeat both surgeries on his left but let's focus one step at a time.)  For now, we look forward to returning home on Friday Night and celebrating the boys 5th birthday on Sunday as a family back together.

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