Thursday, August 11, 2016

Post-Op 1 Week (We even got a smile!)

Those that know us are familiar with our mantra with hospital stays that it is the countdown to smiles.  That is always the sign that our little boy is back with us and strongly on his road to recovery.  Well Jake fans, today was that day and we couldn't be happier.

Let us rewind a bit and then we will pick back up at the smile.

Throughout the night, Jake was still a little confused as to where he was and about everything going on.  But at 5:30 am, he woke up alert and was sitting up.  Interesting enough, Jake did bring up one confusing point,  he pointed out that he could talk referencing that we had told him prior to the surgery that he would wake up and not being able to speak due to the breathing tube.  To Jake, he just woke up after his surgery.  It is fine with us if he has no memory of the last week and we are happy to start here as day 1.

Jake's first moments of calm soon turned and he started to get a little irritated.  One thing that made it okay was at least he knew who he was and he was talking to us.   Jake did start to get angry because he was hungry.  We had to await doctors orders to start feeding which meant a small juice box but hey it was a start.  Then, Jake started to develop a little more anger about eating and then ultimately commenting that he wanted to go home.  He switched off between the two. I'm hungry, I want to go home so we had to focus on sitting with him and keeping him calm.  Hard to blame him but Jake had decided he's over the hospital and wants to leave.   We spent a lot of the morning trying to keep him calm and explaining why we can't leave just yet.

After meeting with the doctors, it was the consensus opinion that Jake was ready to depart the PICU and make his way to the regular floor.   Medicines reduced, arterial lines taken out, some extra medicines added in to the regimen to wean him off the drips and the transfer protocol is met.
Jake had some visitors today and he saw Olivia and Luke for the first time as well as his cousin Elias.  Jake wasn't in the best party mood but I think it made him happy to see them.
Around mid-day Jake was ready to be transferred but there wasn't a room available on the floor.
One helpful visit was from Cassie, the therapy dog who was allowed to sit on Jake's bed while he petted her.  We had to continue the waiting game and at 5:30 we were on the move. And as you can imagine, no is ever sad to leave the PICU.

Jake had spent a lot of the day on our laps, sitting up, talking with us, getting angry, demanding things, sleeping, demanding things, getting angry and finally we had a positive story for him, a new room!

Jake has been talking to us all day and going through some pain, some agitation, some sleep.  Although, the great moment happened as soon as we entered the new room.  Jake started smiling, laughing even and for those that know Jake well, he even gave us one of his "you're out" umpire calls.

We met with the doctors and if Jake can continue to progress we hope to be out of the hospital this weekend but what is left is pain management and appetite.   We feel confident we are on the upswing and hopefully the cranky jake has just been a function of some steroids still left in his fat cells and we can keep him smiling and getting better so we all can do what Jake wants, GO HOME!

One more side note in closing.   For those who want to take part again, tomorrow is Hustle Kindness Friday.  So wear your shirts take a photo and post with the following hashtags #hustlekindness, #jakereissjourney, #peachsneetfeet.  And tag Samantha and Lance in your posts.

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