Saturday, March 4, 2023

Day 2 Looking Back

 Figured, we would start a new post looking back after the update about going home.   

Jake's first night was rough and neither Jake or Sam got much sleep.  Jake was really bothered by his eye and until a saline flush did the trick it was the most item he complained about.  He def. felt some pain but he really has only taken the painkiller once.  Friday Morning, Jake was a little antsy and had moved his way out of the bed into the chair so a positive sign.  The morning reports from the Drs were that he looked good and to expect the drainage from his nose and mouth but we would reassess around 12 about his prognosis and ultimately the discharge decision.  Jake was a bit grumpy Friday am but really more focused on wanting to go home.  Hard to blame him when you are poked and prodded during your hospital stay.   The nurses were all really great and super attentive and Jake was working his way through some food.  Pureed waffle, anyone?   Jake was requesting to be unhooked from the usual wires so he could go to the bathroom himself so all really good signs of improvement.  Around noon, one of the residents came by and we discussed Jake's prognosis.  He was really indifferent to Jake staying or going and yielded to us on what felt right.   We agreed to touch base around 2 to see how the day was going and make the decision a little later on in the day.   Jake was hungry and asking for food keep in mind liquid diet only.  He had some soup and a puree of mac & cheese and it was encouraging watching him feed himself and more importantly be hungry.  Jake repeatedly expressed his desire to go home and ultimately with him foregoing the pain meds and seemingly ok, we spoke with the Dr and made the decision to discharge.  Jake in true Jake fashion rebounds remarkably and always impresses us.   Once we were in the car, he announced he was good at this.   Not something we want him to have a skill in, but he is right, he is a tough fighter who is resilient and our little guy always impresses us.   LA did what LA does and gave us nice bumper to bumper traffic home but Jake was greeted with a sign and loving family so let's just say as always, good to be home.   Jake after a shower really looked cleaned up and you could barely tell he had been through surgery.   We went to bed early and a great night sleep for Jake with the exception of the 2am wakeup to administer some meds.  Jake didn't need the heavy pain stuff which is an amazing sign.  This morning, Jake's nose is bothering him because all of the drainage but he had a breakfast of champions, ice cream and is happy to be home.

Officially, Jake's surgery is a Palate Surgical Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion Sarpe with Lefort Cuts-Bilateral Maxilla; dental extractions Tooth #T,K, 11,20,29.   He did lose 5 teeth in the process and some of the Lefort Cuts set up lower face surgery when he is done growing.   

The next part in the process will be a visit to the orthodontist on Monday to put in a palate expansion device.  

We hope Jake continues to thrive with minimal pain and just some discomfort in his nose and mouth from the drainage.   Good news he gets to have his favorite meal, ice cream.

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