Sunday, March 5, 2023

Weekend Update

Jake has been doing very well considering everything.  He as we don't love the 2am wake up for the meds but Jake hasn't taken any pain meds or Tylenol since being home.   He has his bouts of irritability and being uncomfortable but considering everything that he has been through, we will gladly deal.  Jake has been sleeping through the night outside of the medicine wakeup.  His struggles a bit to want to eat and the liquid diet does not help things.  Jake is having his share of ice cream along with mashed potatoes and soup.  Some of his grumpiness probably can be attributed to being hungry as the liquid meals aren't quite doing the trick.  Jake is very adamant about his shower in the am as he doesn't like the build up on his face of the drip.   Overall, he looks good albeit swollen.  He has been doing as good as can be expected although he did have an episode this afternoon where he was refusing to take his pain meds.  

He is feeling a bit better after eating and just took some pre bedtime meds.  Tomorrow will bring the palate expansion device and we are nervous about how that procedure will go.  Let's all hope that it goes easy for Jake tomorrow and we don't have a pain setback.


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